
Im Back!!!

Yes.. yes... yes I'm back and feeling AMAZING! I cant really explain where i have been or how i am back - i just am! and i have never felt so good!!

I have a new career path to take, re-training as a PT and starting up as a make-up artist.. so as you can see busy and excited!

The photo on previous can now be explained....

1) Me and my new love!
I have always loved photography and wanted a good (expensive) camera. So it feel right to thank 'The Old Narns' for my new camera! She sadly past away a year ago its coming Thursday and having left m a little money i knew it was the right thing to buy... so thank you Narns and miss you xxx

2) David and his bloody pigs!
Sure they are cute and fairly simply pets to look after but... 'hello... lets think of all that bacon'!!
It also makes me think just how much i would love the 'Norfolk Life'..... and would love to have piggy pigs in the garden!

3) My boy! Tom tom....
I'm not going to say its all plain sailing, but tings are changing and to be honest we just cant wait to move and get the hell outta London!
With a disturbed neighbour who smashed our front window in and no let up in both the financial and career worlds we have been through quite allot this year - but hey-ho 2011 i on its way and i a way too excited

4) no photo needed, but i must say a massive thank you to Charles.. you are a inspiration and a true amazement. You have given me my life back x


Its been a while.....

A little sorry for being away for a while, but i am now back!

A couple of photos to sum up the past few months and some serious blooging to start again tomorrow.

Loves xx