Wow, I am so sorry I just dont where the last 2 months have disappeared to...
I am now back in teh land of the Blogs and will be send you lots of new silly stuff, ideas and my little life by the sea from now on! P R O M I S E....
Here's a litle snip of what I have been upto!
First : T H E H O L I D A Y
Second: Happy Birthday to my boy!... oh 31!!
Third: Andy and Loise BeAuTiFuL day!
Fourth: London went C R A Z Y!
Fifth: The fist 'official' Mount Farm Barn B&B Photo Shoot
(Helped by Tomtom and Mike)
Sixth: J E L L Y
What an awesome weekend!
and good Musc!
Seventh: Realising why we L O V E our new home!
(My Tomtom and my Rub)
Eighth: Starfish Designs Norfolk in E X H I B I T I O N!
Yes I am in print and on a Wall... Please go haev a look, all art piece on display are just AWESOME!
And finally... Having a few (secret) Ideas of my own!
So, the last few months have been busy!
Back soon